-comes with all the usual features you would expect. Fully functional cab, custom sounds, weathering, quick drive ready, ditch lights where applicable. Plus lots more.
-2 new rolling stock items
trinity 3 bay 5800 cu ft hoppers in 3 liveries
rapid discharge Ortners in 3 liveries.
Note the cablight can be turned on by crtl+ H on all locos.
US: $15.00
DOWNLOAD (SERVICE PACK 1): https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=E2711F2CE59CD612!263&authkey=!AMFRHwsjFSFQSvM&ithint=file%2czip
SERVICE PACK 2 (1/31/16) INSTALL after SP1: https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=E2711F2CE59CD612!310&authkey=!AIB18nSl9lXdYEI&ithint=file%2czip
INPUT MAPPER FIX(3/26/16) install last:
For info:
Walter's wagon sound: http://railworksamerica.com/index.php/download-library/sounds-enhancements?view=document&id=1461:krellnut-s-ts-2015-new-wagon-sound-package&catid=25:sounds